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This is a list of Anime questions for Bogustrivia & Tatarize

  1. Animals: What kind of animal is the emblem of the US republican political party?*Elephant
  2. Animals: What color is an ocelot?*Yellow with black markings
  3. Animals: Which type of animals have more teeth, reptiles or mammals?*Mammals
  4. Animals: A cow normally has how many teats?*Four
  5. Animals: What is the only venomous snake found in Britain?*Adder
  6. Animals: What type of leaves does a Koala use for food?*Eucalyptus
  7. Animals: What type of animal is the main source of food for a mole?*Earthworms
  8. Animals: What is another name for a Guinea Pig?*Cavy
  9. Animals: What kind of animals live in an apiary?*Bees
  10. Animals: What was Tarzan's Chimpanzee's name?*Cheta
  11. Animals: Celeste was the wife of which fictional animal?*Babar the Elephant
  12. Animals: What were the names of the two bears that lived in Jellystone park?*Yogi and Boo Boo
  13. Animals: What is the name for a collection of frogs?*Army
  14. Animals: What kind of animal was "Gentle Ben" on the TV show?*A Bear
  15. Animals: A female donkey is called a what?*Jenny
  16. Animals: On a common lady bug, what color are the spots?*Black
  17. Animals: Which subhuman primate is the most intelligent?*Chimpanzee
  18. Animals: A mandrill is what type of creature?*Monkey
  19. Animals: The most Asian elephants to be found in their natural habitat can be found in what country?*India
  20. Animals: Which animal is the fastest, a hare, greyhound, or horse?*Hare
  21. Animals: What type of animal is a Tasmanian Devil?*Marsupial
  22. Animals: Which sense is the weakest sense in most primates?*Sense of Smell
  23. Animals: Sika, fallow, and Roe, are what types of animal?*Deer
  24. Animals: Animals living in what type of habitat are arboreal animals?*In or amongst trees
  25. Animals: What type of animal produces gossamer?*Spider
  26. Animals: What kind of animal is the source of mohair?*Angora Goat
  27. Animals: What land mammal other than man has the longest lifespan?*Elephant
  28. Animals: Lupus is the Latin name for what animal?*Wolf
  29. Animals: Who was the British TV personality that presented the show Animal Magic?*Johnny Morris
  30. Animals: Michael Bond created what famous bear?*Paddington Bear
  31. Animals: Walt Disney's famous deer was named what?*Bambi
  32. Animals: A horse named Black Bess was ridden by who?*Dick Trupin
  33. Animals: In the Lone Range, what was Tonto's horse's name?*Scout
  34. Animals: What kind of animals were Chi Chi and An An?*Panda bears
  35. Animals: In the Jungle Book, what kind of creature was Baloo?*A bear
  36. Animals: How do bees communicate with each other?*Dancing
  37. Animals: A stoat produces fur called what?*Ermine
  38. Animals: What type of insect eats its mate after mating?*Preying Mantis
  39. Animals: Coral and algae have what kind of relationship?*Symbiotic
  40. Animals: What kind of animals don't hunt or eat any meat?*Herbivore
  41. Animals: What is the name of the largest land animal?*Elephant
  42. Animals: When caterpillar changes into an adult butterfly what is the change called?*Metamorphous
  43. Animals: The study of animals is given the name of what?*Zoology
  44. Animals: What type of mammals fly using echolocation?*Bats
  45. Animals: How many types of panda are there?*Two
  46. Animals: The longest beetle in the world is how long?*Six inches
  47. Animals: Animals without backbones are called what?*Invertebrates
  48. Animals: An earthworm has how many hearts?*5
  49. Animals: A fluke is what kind of animal?*Worm
  50. Animals: The spots on a plaice are what color?*Orange
  51. Animals: An abalone is what kind of animal?*Marine snail
  52. Animals: The study of birds eggs is called what?*Oology
  53. Animals: What is the offspring of a mare and a male ass called?*A mule
  54. Animals: On a rabbit where would you find a scut?*The tail
  55. Animals: In Thailand, what is the sacred animal?*The white elephant
  56. Animals: Alphabetically, what animal comes first in the Chinese horoscope?*Boar
  57. Animals: Alphabetically, what animal comes last in the Chinese horoscope?*Tiger
  58. Animals: What type of animal is the symbol of medicine?*Snake
  59. Animals: Which type of semi aquatic animal is a lutra-lutra?*An Otter
  60. Animals: What animals make a sound called nuzzing?*Camels
  61. Animals: What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea?*The Deer
  62. Animals: A Curry Comb is used on what type of creature?*Horse
  63. Animals: The llama belongs to what family to what family of animals?*Camel
  64. Animals: Eskimos call what kind of creature a nanook?*Polar Bear
  65. Animals: Which animal has the longest lifespan in captivity?*Giant Tortoise
  66. Animals: In Peru, what animal provides 50% of all the protein eatin?*The Guinea Pig
  67. Animals: What animal pollinates banana plants in the wild?*Bats
  68. Animals: A fennec is what type of animal?*A Desert Fox
  69. Animals: What kind of creature always gives birth to same sex twins?*Armadillo
  70. Animals: The Suidae family is made up of what animals?*Pigs
  71. Animals: A markhor is what type of animal?*Wild goat
  72. Animals: What type of insect has the best eyesight?*Dragonfly
  73. Animals: What form was the Egyptian god Sobek?*Crocodile
  74. Animals: A cow's stomach has how many chambers?*4
  75. Animals: How many humps does an African camel have?*One
  76. Animals: Who are the queen bee's closest servants in a beehive?*Drones
  77. Animals: What is the animal with the Latin name "syncerus caffer"?*Cape Buffalo
  78. Animals: A Quagga is an extinct animal that was a distant cousin to which animal that exists today?*Zebra
  79. Animals: What does a carpophagus animal feed on?*Fruit
  80. Animals: Which animal has rectangular pupils? *Goat
  81. Animals: What kind of animal mates only once for 12 hours and can sleep for three years?*Snail
  82. Animals: Do mosquitoes have teeth?*yes
  83. Animals: A typical mayfly lives for how many days?*One
  84. Animals: What is a fox's den called?*Earth