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Rank #REDIRECT [[Widget:IRC Rank]]
Owner(s) DrRen
Website http://divineirc.net
Network address irc.divineirc.net
Ports 6660-6669,6690-6699(SSL),7000(SSL),9999(SSL)
Main Channels #Lobby
Contact Staff@DivineIRC.net
IRCd ShadowIRCd
Services Atheme

DivineIRC Network

2012/12/10 - Made modifications to the IRCd type and services. Adjusted the about us section to a more recent version. Also updated the page entirely and added links, along with our latest tweets for the lovely people.

About us

DivineIRC was created in the hopes of an escape from other IRC networks. The primary rule that we base ourselves off of is that we do not punish or look down on members who troll, or attempt to troll. Our mission is to create a rule free zone for members to freely express themselves without any consequences. During the travel of creating an IRC network, we want to express that we follow the simplicity of rules that correspond with state and/or federal laws. While DivineIRC continues to grow, so does our about me page along with our rules to better protect the server to continue providing the escape that we claim to have. While on the journey to perfecting the perfect experience to provide to its users, DivineIRC has experienced with nefarious, x3, unrealircd, anope, inspircd, and atheme. While playing with all the mentioned, we determined that after going away from what we played with, DivineIRC currently runs shadowircd and atheme services.
DivineIRC, while currently using atheme services, the package itself includes ALIS,BotServ,ChanFix,ChanServ,GameServ,Global,GroupServ,HelpServ,HostServ,InfoServ,LoveServ,NickServ, OperServ, and SaslServ. We offer the ability for users to use the “/MSG HostServ request vHost.Here”, allowing users to cloak their actual @host that they connect with (note: every user that connects has their IP hidden by a cloak with user mode +x. taking off +x with/or without the knowlege of what it does, DivineIRC can not be held responsible for the revealing of your own @host/ip). While ChanServ is present and active on the DivineIRC network, DivineIRC can not be held responsible for users who transfer ownership of their channel to another specific user. While privately owned channels are governed and policed by that channels operator(s), DivineIRC staff will step in where necessary. Last but not least, while NickServ is present and active on the DivineIRC network, DivineIRC can not be held responsible for users who drop, or do not register their nickname and in result, lose ownership of said nickname.
Lastly, we would like to remind all users of their clients /ignore function. If you are being harassed by PM and have used your /ignore function and the problem persists, this can be considered a network offense and must be informed to the DivineIRC staff. If the problem does not get reported, DivineIRC can not be held responsible for the actions/threats/flood incurred. While DCC commands are allowed, being abused to users is a network offense and will be handled appropriately.

Some Links of Interest

Mibbit Chat
Flash Chat

Our Latest Tweets!

Where we rank amongst other servers

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Top 5 Channels
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