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Core Oper Commands
Command Result
/kline [user@host] ([duration] :[reason]) Sets a hostname ban on the specified host if all 3 parameters are given. If the host is the only given parameter, it will attempt to remove the kline.
/zline [ipmask] ([duration] :[reason]) Sets an IP ban on the specified IP if all 3 parameters are given. If the IP is the only given parameter, it will attempt to remove the zline.
/qline [nickmask] ([duration] :[reason]) Sets a global nick ban on the specified nick mask if all 3 parameters are given. If the nick mask is the only given parameter, it will attempt to remove the qline.
/gline [user@host] ([duration] :[reason]) Sets a global hostname ban on the specified host if all 3 parameters are given. If the host is the only given parameter, it will attempt to remove the gline.
/eline [user@host] ([duration] :[reason]) Sets an exception on the specified host if all 3 parameters are given. If the host is the only given parameter, it will attempt to remove the exception.
/die [password] This command will shut down the local server if you are opered, and if you enter the correct password.
/restart [password] This command will restart the local server if you are opered, and if you enter the correct password
/kill [nickname-list] [reason] This command will disconnect users specified in the list you provide. You can kill a single nick, or multiple nicks if they are separated by commas.
/rehash (servername) This will reload all configs on the specified server. It's possible to reload all servers by entering * instead of a servername. Rehashing will also cause any modules specified in the modules.conf to reload. As well as any filters or exceptions to be re-added.
/trace [nick|user@host|servermask]
/connect [servermask] (servermask) Will attempt to connect the given server mask. If you specify two server masks, it will attempt to connect the first to the second.
/squit [servermask] Removes a local server matching the server mask from the network.
/rsquit [servermask] Removes a remote server matching the server mask from the network.
/loadmodule [] Loads the specified module on the local server.
/unloadmodule [] Unloads the specified module on the local server.
/reloadmodule [] Reloads the specified module on the local server.
/reload [commandname]
/clearcache Clears the servers DNS cache.
Modular Oper Commands
Command Result Module
Core User Commands
Command Result
/user [ident] [local host] [remote host] :[gecos]
/nick [new nick]
/quit {reason}
/version {servermask}
/ping [server]
/pong [server]
/admin [server]
/privmsg [target-list] [text]
/notice [target-list] [text]
/join [channel]{,[channel]} [key]{,[key]}
/names [channel]{,[channel]}
/part [channel]{,[channel]}
/kick [channel] [nick] {reason}
/mode [target] [+|-][modes]{[+|-][modes]} {mode parameters}
/topic [channel] {topic}
/who [ [search-pattern] [ohurmaiMplf] ]
/motd {server}
/oper [login] [password]
/list {pattern}
/stats [symbol] {server}
/userhost [nickname]
/away {message}
/ison [nick] {[nick]...}
/summon [user]
/invite {[nick] [channel]}
/pass [password]
/whowas [nick]
/whois [nick] {server}
/time {servermask}
/modules {debug [module-name-mask]}
Modular User Commands
Command Result Module