Werewolf Tutorial

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Werewolf is an IRC bot that moderates instances of The Werewolf Game, a detective/social game. Based on the PircBot found Here and uses a modified version of the rules found Here.


Installation Part 1

To run Werewolf, you need to install the java run time enviroment on the server that the bot will be placed on, you can do this on debian by:

apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

Download and unzip the Werewolf game, and Pircbot.

  • Create a directory named Werewolf
  • Place the files from the unzipped pircbot in it: org lib src pircbot-1.5.0
  • Place the files from the unzipped werewolf in it: werewolf.ini wolfgame.txt wolf.log werewolfgame.txt run.bat

Open the file from the Werewolf download named werewolf.ini. Edit the bot name, server, channel & NickServ command then save.

Once you have finished configuring your bot, cd into the Werewolf directory and enter the following command:

nohup java -classpath .:lib/pircbot.jar org.jibble.pircbot.llama.werewolf.Werewolf &